Friday, June 28, 2013

Seller Disclosure Statements

Every seller of a single family home in Iowa must provide any buyer making an offer to purchase with a written disclosure statement. While many sellers think this is easy, recent Iowa court rulings hold it is not so easily done. If you make a mistake it can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars after buyers move in and something goes wrong.
Buyers' remorse can cost you dearly.

As a lawyer and a real estate agent-broker Steve Lombardi can help you protect yourself from making a mistake that costs you dearly. As a lawyer Katrina Schaefer with the staff at Lombardi Law Firm will review your Iowa - Residential Property Seller Disclosure Statement with you to discuss how to answer the questions to avoid later conflicts and lawsuits.

Your real estate agent is not an attorney and they will not (can not) provide you with legal advice on how to best fill out this form. While no legal advice can foresee every possible challenge to how you filled out the disclosure form based on our review of the legal cases and Iowa Chapter 558A (Real Estate Disclosures) we will assist you to avoid legal challenges by buyers with buyers' remorse.
Let us help you reduce the risk of you making a mistake that costs you legal fees to hire a lawyer and possibly paying for the buyer's legal fees.
We charge $250.00 to interview you and to review your disclosure statement. 
You can provide the disclosure statement for review by several methods.

Send us your disclosure statement by fax to 515-222-0718 or attach to an email to

You can also send by mail to

Lombardi Real Estate Services or
the Lombardi Law Firm
3700 - 37th Street, Suite 6,
West Des Moines, Iowa
Telephone: 515-222-1110
Fax: 515-222-0718

Call Barbara and provide your credit card information.

Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota

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